Praise be to God, and May His Peace and Blessings be upon the Noblest of Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Mohammad.... Having said. There are many forms of symbols, abbreviations and graphics in the Arabic manuscript herita. In spite of its multiplicity and diversity and its occurrence in many manuscripts and many Arab sciences, it has not been studied, nor has it been trampled upon by researchers in the Arab heritage in particular. The tangible and intangible heritage in general, which prompted me to research and excavate the Arabic manuscript heritage. We find, for example, multiple forms of a circle with a point and another circle that is empty of it. Each of them has a use. We find many scientific illustrations in scientific manuscripts. Was the manuscript's author the one who drew it, or did he leave it to someone else who specializes in it? We find many drawings in scientific manuscripts when they are investigated. Some of the ignorant investigators deal with them by neglecting these drawings, despite their great importance in clarifying the scientific heritage text, intentionally sometimes and often ignorantly. We must either know the placement of the drawings in the verified text or put a reference to the drawing number in the specified position such as [Fig. 1] with placing the drawings in order in a special file at the end of the investigated text. This is to complement the benefit. In the abbreviations of manuscripts, we find many words, for example: ثنا = حدثنا. ثني = حدثني. نا = حدثنا. أو أخبرنا. دثنا = حدثنا. أنا = أنبأنا. أو أخبرنا. They are many. It is essential for anyone who deals with heritage in general, and investigators, in particular, to have knowledge of them.
على الأنصاري, . (2022). الرموز والاختصارات والرسوم في التراث العربي المخطوط وكيفية التعامل معها. International Journal of Humanities and Language Research, 5(2), 45-51. doi: 10.21608/ijhlr.2023.211205.1004
شريف على الأنصاري. "الرموز والاختصارات والرسوم في التراث العربي المخطوط وكيفية التعامل معها", International Journal of Humanities and Language Research, 5, 2, 2022, 45-51. doi: 10.21608/ijhlr.2023.211205.1004
على الأنصاري, . (2022). 'الرموز والاختصارات والرسوم في التراث العربي المخطوط وكيفية التعامل معها', International Journal of Humanities and Language Research, 5(2), pp. 45-51. doi: 10.21608/ijhlr.2023.211205.1004
على الأنصاري, . الرموز والاختصارات والرسوم في التراث العربي المخطوط وكيفية التعامل معها. International Journal of Humanities and Language Research, 2022; 5(2): 45-51. doi: 10.21608/ijhlr.2023.211205.1004